
Three Strategies To Create An Online Presence For Artists

For the most part, struggling to have your work seen in galleries or exhibits is a thing of the past. More artists are being seen and making a living by having an online presence. If you are ready to take your art business to the next level, there are three online avenues to increase sales. Start With A Good Website As an artist, you cannot skip having a good website and rely exclusively on social media. Read More 

7 Tips For Developing Your Website As An Author

If you are a writer and plan on releasing a book in the future, you may be thinking about developing a web presence. Website development is a great way to market your talent and your products. Not sure where to start? Keep reading to see how you can give your author website a boost. 1. Buy Your Domain Name For an author, it makes sense that you use your real name or your pen name as your domain. Read More 

5 Things You Might Not Know About Legal Firm Marketing

Law firms can't function without their clients. Marketing services are critical for legal firms, but it can be difficult to keep abreast of all the changes in the marketing industry. Here are a few things that you may not know about law firm marketing. 1. Most People Use the Internet to Look for a Lawyer In the past, most people looked to their friends and families when they needed a lawyer. Read More 

3 Mistakes That You Shouldn’t Make When Marketing Your Law Firm Online

If you're a lawyer, you might be thinking about lead conversion for law firms. If this is the case, then you could be concerned that you will make some mistakes along the way. It can be easy to get things wrong when marketing your law firm online, but if you work to avoid these three common mistakes, you can help ensure that you market your law firm the right way. This can help you bring in a surprising number of leads and can help your law firm grow. Read More 

IP Targeted Services Can Benefit Your Business

When it comes to lead generation, targeting is critical. It's not enough to simply make contact with any consumer. You instead want to contact potential consumers who fit well within your demographic for the best results. IP targeting can help you achieve this goal. IP Targeting Before you can fully understand the benefits of IP targeting services, you first need to understand what it exactly is. IP targeting is a strategy for marketing that works by capturing the IP address of a computer user. Read More