
The Most Common Challenges When Integrating Legacy Solutions

Many organizations today have legacy or proprietary solutions that they are hesitant to move away from. Though custom software can be developed and tailored to these environments, there are some challenges that the enterprise will have to face. Legacy software suites are generally outdated suites that are no longer supported by their distributor.  Data Transfer and Support Legacy solutions often don't support the same file and data types as modern software. Read More 

3 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Search Engine Optimization Company For Your Website

If you are looking to increase your company or personal footprint on the Internet, you may have decided to start a blog or other service that will bring in regular traffic to your site. But did you know that companies exist today that do nothing but work hard to increase clients' visibility in search engines so that the clients themselves don't have to? Welcome to the world of search engine optimization or " Read More 

Managing Your Own Business Website? 4 Reasons A Saas CMS Is The Better Choice

Open-source content management systems (CMS) are popular choices for websites due to their free and familiar platforms. Although open-source CMSs have numerous benefits, when you want to manage an extensive online business, the cost of using Software as a Service (SaaS) CMSs can prevent roadblocks in the future. Ease Of Use The lure of some open-source CMSs is they are easy to use. Once your website increases in complexity, beyond basic text, pictures or the standard layout, the hurdles usually increase. Read More 

Designing Role Playing Games For Continuous Income

Mobile gaming has become a massive industry, reaching beyond $10 billion annually as of 2015. The industry covers all games from puzzles to adventure games and racing games, but a specific genre of the gaming world can be interesting and profitable with the right features. The roleplaying game (RPG) genre has reached into many other genres to create a potentially endless stream of gameplay and many different scores to measure. As you think about designing a mobile game app, consider a few ways that an RPG (or adding RPG elements) can prepare your game for long-term earnings. Read More 

3 Great Benefits To Online Business Mentoring

In this day and age, with the internet and a plethora of information, people have more access to mentors than ever. In fact, business owners, or prospective business owners are able to take part in online business mentoring programs, so that they can learn important things that will help them make the right decisions and spark creative ideas. This can help you to take your business into new territories that you otherwise would not have thought about, helping to make it a great success for as long as you own it. Read More