Why SEO Work Requires Constant Attention
You don't have to deal with SEO issues for long before you'll notice how much attention the task requires. If you want a site to rank well in search engine results pages, you need to commit a chunk of your time to it every day. Why is this how SEO works, though? SEO services providers will tell you to consider these four reasons.
The world of search optimization is highly competitive. Folks are either fighting tooth and nail for major niches, or they're trying to hunt for small ones that are largely unoccupied. Whether or not you're working to get ahead and then stay on top in search, somebody else always is.
Localization and Personalization
Search engines have tilted more and more toward tightly tailored results. If a user lives in one town versus another, there's a good chance they'll see different results because of their locales. Likewise, search engines also tailor results to individuals. Consequently, you also have to optimize your content to appeal to target narrow demographics if you want to fit their personalized search profiles.
Obfuscated and Changing Rules
The typical search provider doesn't tell the world much about how one page ranks above another. Companies obfuscate their rules to prevent creating perverse incentives. If everybody knew precisely what the rules were for ranking highly, there would be a relentless feeding frenzy.
Instead, search companies tell website operators to focus on producing quality content. That's excellent advice, but it obscures a lot of the mechanics of why one site performs well while another flounders even if they have equally good content. SEO services firms have to test and retest to determine what the rules are.
Just to make the process more fun, search providers make tweaks to their systems all the time. What worked well last year might not even register with the search engines this year. SEO companies have to keep up with developments so their clients can compete.
New Technologies
As new technologies emerge, search expands to meet the needs of their users. Where search was once focused on text for folks on desktop computers, it now provides results for images, videos, shopping, and more. Likewise, people perform searches on phones, tablets, gaming consoles, and even refrigerators and cars. Voice search has changed a segment of the industry, too. The next big technologies are always around the corner, and people optimizing their sites have to keep up.